Which of these would you call the strongest password? callme call4me call2Cm3 If you chose #3, you’re right. Using strong, unique passwords is critical to protecting your business’s valuable data. It can help prevent hackers and other cyber-attackers from stealing...
One of the easiest ways to create a secure environment for residential or commercial computer systems is with a VPN. As part of our computer support services, CEG can help you achieve online privacy and provide you peace of mind in an often uncertain digital world....
Did you know the estimated cost of keeping a business PC in operation longer than four years can cost your company nearly $3000 annually? One of our roles in providing business IT support is to recommend when a company should replace its computers. Like most...
External hard drives are an essential tool for anyone who owns a computer. They offer near-immediate backup and storage for your digital data in a portable format that lets you take your documents, pictures, videos, app preferences, and programs with you wherever you...
Mobile device management is a must for any organization that uses mobile devices for business purposes. Today, that typically includes just about any company. Digital tech advances like mobile and cloud services make it easier for employees to perform tasks remotely,...