Your web browser is your window to the world. But like most windows, an unobstructed view can also be available for those who are striving to peak into your unprotected browser. Cyberattacks are an epic, ongoing problem caused by experts and amateurs engaged in introducing harmful malware into enterprise and personal IT systems everywhere.

While motives for these intrusions vary, the financial damage caused by malicious cyberattacks is estimated to reach $10.5 trillion globally by 2025, according to Cybercrime Magazine. And, since new strategies on intrusion are appearing continually, computer support personnel, whether internal or third-party, must remain diligent and receptive to new defense methods.

Protection for Personal and Computers

Cybercrime does not only occur with big businesses. Attacks can happen with individual PCs or work-at-home systems. Owners should adopt specific guidelines and practices to insulate their equipment and data from malicious intrusion.

Selecting Your Browser

The most common browsers today are Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, and Apple Safari. Also, others like Brave, Opera, and Tor Browser are well recognized for their security attributes.

While each browser comes with extensive security features that should be deployed entirely, experts find that some have more robust protection features in some areas than others. The Express VPN website analysis shows Tor as the best browser for anonymity while Mozilla Firefox is rated highest for privacy.

Selecting the right browser for your needs can require some research and expert advice from one of your area’s expert IT Companies like Computer Engineering Group.

Maintain a Higher Level of Security with Your Browser

Most of us spend a lot of time browsing the internet. Carelessness can lead to a malicious intrusion that can be troublesome and expensive to repair.

For personal or small business computer, some simple practices will keep your browser secure. Here are some suggestions:

  • Stay Current with Security Updates

Always turn on your notifications to download security updates. These updates are developed for various reasons, mainly to keep your systems running safely and smoothly as new cybercrimes evolve. Downloading new tools when they arrive will keep your systems safe.

  • Do Not Save Your Passwords on Your Browser

While we know saving passwords on your browser is convenient, this practice can be a considerable risk. If you happen to be away from your computer, anyone can access your records and accounts by letting the browser enter the passwords automatically. Find a safer storage location and disable this feature from your browser setting menu.

  • Customize Security Settings

It is always better to err on the side of safety. Disable 3rd party cookies except on truly trusted websites, block pop-up windows, activate the camera and microphone only as needed, require confirmation for plug-ins and add-ons, and disable Java Script except on sites you have no experience visiting. Also, stay alert to block Reported Attack and Fake Sites.

  • Antivirus Solutions

Antivirus programs are not perfect, but they are better than nothing. Make sure to keep your antivirus defense current as updates arrive. Organizations usually manage virus protection centrally either with their in-house IT department or a competent external IT Support company.

  • Use VPN

Your computer becomes more anonymous with an extra layer of security know as a Virtual Computer Network or VPN. Contact your expert Computer Support Company for advice regarding the right VPN for your needs.

Protect Your Browser with CEG Group in Napa

CEG Group in Napa, CA, a provider of a full range of IT computer support services, works closely with individuals and companies to develop efficient, secure, and up-to-date computer support. Whether you are looking for the highest security level for your personal computer or multiple computer stations, CEG is one of the industry’s most respected IT Companies.

To learn more about CEG, visit the group’s website at

Or, you may phone to speak with one of our experienced IT managers at 1-833-CEG-9701.

Important Update:

Our office will be moving locations as of August 26th

New Address: 855 Bordeaux Way, Suite 120, Napa, CA, 94558