Discover our cloud services and take your processes to the next level.


CEG of Napa offers a broad range of IT and computer engineering services to support companies in the East and North Bay areas. With sophisticated and secure systems installations, maintenance, repair, disaster response, upgrades, training, cloud services, and data backup, CEG can ensure smooth operations and timely information.

Secure, cloud-based server and backup are vital elements of maintaining business continuity. Data loss resulting from system failures, destructive natural disaster, fire or water damage, or another unexpected event may become unrecoverable. In this case, progress and customer service levels may be severely curtailed as you scramble to recover.

Cloud services eliminate the cost of maintaining servers at your location by hosting them on the cloud. Our cloud-based, dedicated servers allow clients to host their servers in the most secure environment without having to endure the cost and complicated process of maintaining servers at your location.

Services provided and facilitated by CEG are:

Hosted Exchange Mail

Hosted exchange email by CEG uses a Microsoft Office 365 Exchange server that eliminates the expense and administration of needing an in-house server.

Hosted Servers

Our cloud services include hosted servers which provide flexible storage, redundant architecture and data storage, and backup protection against earthquake, fire, flooding, and more.

A Hosted Sharepoint allows users to share openly messages, documents, calendars, and updates in a company intranet system. User portals are available at any time through their web browser.

Managed Backup

All data will be automatically backed up and safely stored for easy recovery when needed.

CEG will implement daily automatic backup data storage to minimize the impact of disruptive events including natural disaster like floods and earthquakes or outage. To secure redundant data storage, CEG technicians will conduct frequent, routine testing and data restoration simulations to ensure business continuity. The CEG Team will always be available to retrieve the data when you need it.

Managed Antivirus Protection

Installation and monitoring of the most up-to-date antivirus suppression and spyware prevention tools will be managed routinely by CEG. Also, our 24-hour remote systems monitoring will detect invasion and our experts will immediately respond to minimize any impact. CEG utilizes Microsoft and appropriate 3rd party protective tools to guard against virus attacks.

DNS/Registrar Management

DNS means Domain Name System, an important component of internet communications. DNS Management software is intended to eliminate human error while working with complex DNS data. CEG engineers use DNS to assign human-friendly names to unique system addresses expressed in the 12-digit IP address format.

If you’re looking for cloud services in the North Bay, look no further than CEG. Our solutions will help you run your business smoothly and safely. 


Call us: 833-CEG-9701
or 833-234-9701


855 Bordeaux Way, Suite 120
Napa, CA, 94558


Mon - Fri | 8:30am-5:30pm

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Important Update:

Our office will be moving locations as of August 26th

New Address: 855 Bordeaux Way, Suite 120, Napa, CA, 94558